About me
I am Manel Baradad Jurjo, last-year PhD student at MIT under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Torralba. I currently work in representation learning and 3D scene understanding, but I am also interested in computational photography and graphics. Before coming to MIT, I did my undergrad at CFIS-UPC, where I was fortunate to work in the Image Processing Group under the supervision of Prof. Xavier Giró-i-Nieto.
I'm looking for full-time industry opportunities starting June-September 2024. You can contact me at: mbaradad at mit dot edu.

Deep Augmentation: Enhancing Self-Supervised Learning through Transformations in Higher Activation Space
Rickard Brüel-Gabrielsson, Tongzhou Wang, Manel Baradad, Justin Solomon
arxiv 2023

Using Unknown Occluders to Recover Hidden Scenes
Adam B. Yedidia, Manel Baradad, Christos Thrampoulidis, William T. Freeman, Gregory W. Wornell
CVPR 2019

Characterizing chronic disease and polymedication prescription patterns from electronic health records
Martí Zamora, Manel Baradad, Ester Amado, Silvia Cordomí, Esther Limón, Juliana Ribera, Marta Arias and Ricard Gavaldà
DSAA 2015